Medical > General
by Thomas Hawkes TannerEDITOR’S PREFACE.
The present edition of Dr. Tanner’s “Memoranda on Poisons” is in some respects almost a new book. It was, as will be seen by the Author’s Preface to the last Edition, Dr. Tanner’s object to furnish the practitioner with a useful guide to his duties in cases of poisoning. Experience has, however, shown that the book is more useful to the student than to the practitioner; and, with a view to render it still more valuable to the former, it has in great measure been remodelled. Whilst, therefore, due attention has been paid to what might be called the clinical aspects of poisoning, its chemical bearings have been more closely attended to; and the more important and reliable tests have in each instance been given, as have also the more important processes for separating poisons from organic admixture. Sick of the old and clumsy classification of poisons into Irritants, Narcotics, and Narcotico-Irritants, the editor has endeavored to form some more rational groups of toxic agents. These groups are, it is true, quite provisional; and they are somewhat similar to those adopted by Dr. Guy in his admirable textbook on Forensic Medicine. They have, however, been worked out independently, whether they be worth anything or no. Briefly they are these:—
Corrosives.—Simple Irritants, Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal.—Irritant Gases.—Specific Irritants, Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal.—Neurotics: subdivided into Narcotics, Anæsthetics, Inebriants, Delirants, Convulsives, Hyposthenisants, Depressants, Asphyxiants,—and Abortives.
Such a grouping is far from perfect; but it would be impossible to have anything worse than that still in general use. It is with the hope of rendering this little volume more generally useful these changes have been made: a reason at all times all-powerful with its lamented Author.

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