Architecture > Buildings > Religious > History > Europe > France
by S. Sophia BealePREFACE.
IN a book of this kind, it is difficult to prevent oneself becoming a guide, more or less complete. Dates and facts, architectural details and descriptions, all savour of the handbook; but having determined to keep to the historical and archaeological, rather than the architectural side of the churches, I have tried to rake up quaint and legendary lore, and so add to the interest of an ordinary guide book. I would also pray my readers to bear in mind that, as the work is not intended to be an architectural treatise, I have simply walked in the paths of Viollet-le-Duc and Guilhermy, whenever I have been compelled to describe the technical details of the churches.
My thanks are due to the Editor of the American Architect, for his courtesy in allowing me to build these ecclesiastical monographs upon the foundation of some articles which have appeared from time to time in a condensed form in the Boston (U. S. A.) paper; and also to the Editor of the Magazine of Art, for a similar kindness.
I should also like to acknowledge my indebtedness to the following authors and their works:
"Histoire de la Sainte-Chapelle." Morand.
"Histoire de Saint-Denis." Dom Millet.
"Histoire de Saint-Eustache." L'abbé Koenig.
"Inscriptions du Diocèse de Paris." F. de Guilhermy.
"Itinéraire Archéologique de Paris." F. de Guilhermy.
"l'Église Saint Julien-le-Pauvre." A. Le Brun.
"Monographie de l'Église Royale de Saint-Denis." F. de Guilhermy.
"Sacred and Legendary Art." Anna Jameson.
"The Early British Church." J. Yeowell.
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